Statement of Purpose

Efficacy is a Connecticut-based, non-profit organization advocating peaceful ways to respond to social problems. We use the following vehicles to express this: public presentations; a newsletter; commercial media; public radio and access television programs.

At the present time, Efficacy is concentrating efforts on drug abuse and crime prevention. We encourage citizens to re-examine drug policy. We challenge the mentality of the drug war and find that present policies have been counter-effective. We promote open discussion of alternatives and public-health awareness.

We are part of an emerging social movement based on common sense, harm reduction, human rights, science, compassion, and truth. We advocate a paradigm of basing social practices on efficacious methods. This is an advocacy of methods that have been confirmed and established to be effective rather than emotional or political reactions to problems.

Efficacy maintains a network of scholars, and legal and medical professionals who study results of new research and drug policy innovations in other nations. We convey these messages to our members, readers and listeners. We support other organizations working on drug policy reform.

Efficacy circulates a newsletter to approximately 1000 readers throughout New England on a quarterly basis. We produce presentations for educational institutions, churches, civic groups, etc. We participate in forums and communicate with the media on drug policy and other social issues.

The work of Efficacy is funded by donations and grants.

Main Page

Contact Us:  Efficacy   P.O. Box 1234   Hartford, CT 06143   860 657-8438